Mail Service Permits

Guidelines for Authorized Use of Permit Imprint

A University Department or College may be authorized to mail material without affixing postage. Payment must be made at the time of mailing from an advance deposit account established by Mail Services with the U.S. Postal Service. This postage payment method may be used for qualifying mailings. This method is not available for mailing Periodicals or Express Mail. Cal State L.A. Mail Services is the holder and authorized user of the First Class and Non-Profit permit imprints.

First Class

Presorted First Class US Postage Upscaled
  • Sort Order: Intelligent Mail Barcode Mandatory
  • Minimum Mailing: 500 pieces
  • Cost: $.435/piece 1st ounce (pending rate increase,call for quote)
  • Return Mail: Yes
  • Delivery: 2-3 business days (within So Cal)
  • Content: Can contain Personal data, i.e.: grades, Pin numbers, degree award, etc.
  • Identical Weight: All pieces in a permit imprint mailing must be of identical weight.
  • Place of Mailing: Mail must be deposited and accepted at the post office that issued the permit, at a time and place designated by the postmaster, except as otherwise provided for plant-verified drop shipments.


Non Profit US Postage upscaled

Use of this indicia requires pre-approval for the mail piece by Cal State L.A. Mail Services to ensure the mailing meets all U.S. Postal Service requirements. Pre-authorization is vital to maintain the privilege of permit usage by the University.

  • Sort Order: Intelligent Mail Barcode Mandatory
  • Minimum Mailing: 200 pieces
  • Cost: $.183 for machinable mail pieces 3.3oz or less
  • Return Mail: Available with appropriate Ancillary Endorsement
  • Delivery: 10-14 days
    (Within So Cal test of mailings have been within a 3-4 day period during peak holiday period)
  • Content: Must be generic nature No personal data, i.e. Pin Numbers, missing documents, degrees awarded, etc.
  • Identical Weight: All pieces in a permit imprint mailing must be of identical weight.
  • Place of Mailing: Mail must be deposited and accepted at the post office that issued the permit, at a time and place designated by the postmaster, except as otherwise provided for plant-verified drop shipments.